Boosting body performance with hydrogen-infused natural spring water

The Hydrogen Infusion: Boosting Body Performance with Hydrogen-Infused Spring Water


Water is the most important substance on the planet as far as life is concerned. In humans, water is needed for a long list of biological and biochemical reactions in the body, most of which take place at the molecular level.

Hydrogen water is a unique way to enhance human performance. This article delves into the science behind hydrogen-infused water and explores how it works to benefit health.

Hydrogen in Spring Water:

Hydrogen-infused spring water is water that has been enriched with molecular hydrogen (H2), the lightest and smallest molecule.

Scientist have found that molecular hydrogen has lots of benefits in the body and can easily penetrate sub-cellular structures.

Molecular hydrogen is a safe, odorless, colorless, and non-metallic gas that played a crucial role in the formation of life and the creation of the Universe.

Molecular hydrogen is believed to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, potentially reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. 

How It Works in the Body:

Lots of studies demonstrate how it improves cell signaling and acts as a selective antioxidant once inside the body.

It has also been shown to help boost immunity by turning on the body’s natural anti-oxidants.

When consumed, hydrogen molecules are thought to penetrate cell membranes and enter the cells, where they may exert antioxidant effects.

These effects are believed to combat oxidative stress, which is associated with aging and various health conditions.

Additionally, hydrogen is suggested to have anti-inflammatory properties, potentially aiding in recovery from physical exertion. 

What is hydrogenated water?

Back to high school chemistry, ordinary water contains hydrogen since water is created from the fusion of hydrogen and oxygen atoms/ions. H2O

But in molecular hydrogen water, additional hydrogen gas is dissolved in the water without altering its structure, pH, taste, color or odor.

To get hydrogen water, pure hydrogen gas is bubbled in purified water or through the process of electrolysis.

Boosting Body Performance:

There is a huge difference between drinking hydrogen-infused water and plain water.

In plain water, the hydrogen is bound to oxygen, and thus less bioavailable to the body.

When additional hydrogen is dissolved in water, the body can absorb it more effectively, providing benefits.

Regular consumption of hydrogen-infused water provides certain health benefits to the drinker.

These range from fighting inflammation to reducing pain, boosting energy, and enhancing cognitive function.

Can lead to increased energy levels, improved athletic performance, and faster recovery times.

Some studies suggest benefits in areas such as exercise-induced fatigue and muscle soreness. 

Some of these benefits have been shown in research studies, even though research is ongoing to provide more information and proof for some of the beneficial effects.

Studies show that molecular hydrogen boosts the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), the major component required to keep the cells fueled.

This means higher energy levels and better performance for the athlete

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Disclaimer: Information in this blog is for informational purposes only; consult a healthcare professional before making lifestyle changes.

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